File | Line(#Message number)[info]: Error |
gcompris/gcompris_qt.po | 2483(#339)[msgstr:20:"/ b>"]: Qt-rich markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
gcompris/gcompris_qt.po | 4274(#592)[msgstr:402:"/ b>"]: Qt-rich markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
gcompris/gcompris_qt.po | 4395(#607)[msgstr:241:"/ b>"]: Qt-rich markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
gcompris/gcompris_qt.po | 4446(#611)[msgstr:250:"/ b>"]: Qt-rich markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
gcompris/gcompris_qt.po | 21534(#3253)[msgstr:13:"/ b>"]: Qt-rich markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
gcompris/gcompris_qt.po | 21567(#3257)[msgstr:143]: Qt-rich markup: mismatched tag. |
k3b/k3b.po | 5228(#877)[msgstr:9:"&"]: KDE markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
kdenlive/kdenlive.po | 19418(#3279)[msgstr:70:"#x2014؛"]: KDE markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
kdenlive/kdenlive.po | 19447(#3281)[msgstr:35:"#x2026؛"]: KDE markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
kimagemapeditor/kimagemapeditor.po | 144(#24)[msgstr:7:"/h3>"]: KDE markup: mismatched tag. |
kio-extras/kio-extras_kcms.po | 819(#87)[msgstr:18:" <p>"]: KDE markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
kio-extras/kio-extras_kcms.po | 915(#99)[msgstr:18:" <p>"]: KDE markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
kompare/kompare.po | 31(#2)[msgstr]: Different number of translator names (5) and email addresses (4). |