File | Line(#Message number)[info]: Error |
kate/kateproject.po | 548(#100)[msgstr:35:"& les"]: KDE4 markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
koko/koko._desktop_.po | 63(#9)[msgstr:49]: Keyword list with context 'Keywords' must end with semicolon. |
krecorder/krecorder._desktop_.po | 29(#3)[msgstr:12]: Keyword list with context 'Keywords' must end with semicolon. |
libkdegames/libkdegames6.po | 410(#75)[msgstr:33:"."]: KDE4 markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
plasma-sdk/plasma-sdk._desktop_.po | 54(#7)[msgstr:53]: Keyword list with context 'Keywords' must end with semicolon. |
rkward/rkward.po | 4680(#713)[msgstr:105:"/b>"]: KDE4 markup: mismatched tag. |