File | Line(#Message number)[info]: Error |
akonadi-calendar/libakonadi-calendar6.po | 1070(#163)[msgstr:5:"&ať"]: KDE markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
incidenceeditor/libincidenceeditors6.po | 2187(#321)[msgstr:174:"& účet"]: KDE markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
kdevelop/kdevcustomdefinesandincludes.po | 178(#25)[msgstr:140:"/p>"]: KDE markup: mismatched tag. |
kdevelop/kdevexternalscript.po | 136(#8)[msgstr:69:"/ p>"]: KDE markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
kdevelop/kdevplatform.po | 1854(#307)[msgstr:140:""https://"]: KDE markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
kfind/kfind._desktop_.po | 38(#3)[msgstr:31]: Keyword list with context 'Keywords' must end with semicolon. |
kile/kile.po | 341(#51)[msgstr:113]: KDE markup: mismatched tag. |
kile/kile.po | 4774(#814)[msgstr:145]: KDE markup: mismatched tag. |
kile/kile.po | 4788(#816)[msgstr:160]: KDE markup: mismatched tag. |
kphotoalbum/kphotoalbum.po | 433(#68)[msgstr:263]: KDE markup: mismatched tag. |
kphotoalbum/kphotoalbum.po | 5416(#802)[msgstr:251]: KDE markup: mismatched tag. |
krusader/krusader.po | 2200(#383)[msgstr:319:"<ul<"]: KDE markup: not well-formed (invalid token). |
kwave/kwave.po | 5926(#1071)[msgstr:83]: KDE markup: mismatched tag. |
okular/okular.po | 4168(#718)[msgstr:152:"/b>"]: KDE markup: mismatched tag. |
plasma-workspace/klipper.po | 61(#6)[msgstr:357:"<rozhranie>"]: KDE markup: unrecognized tag 'rozhranie'. |
spectacle/spectacle._desktop_.po | 37(#4)[msgstr:55]: Keyword list with context 'Keywords' must end with semicolon. |