- l10n-kf5/templates/messages
Place of the translation template files for the GUI.
- l10n-kf5/templates/docmessages
Place of the translation template files for the documentation.
- l10n-kf5/
/messages Place of the translation files for the GUI.
- l10n-kf5/
/data Here you can store non-
translations, e.g. dictionaries for kanagram. The list of localizable non-PO resources in KDE catalog.- l10n-kf5/
/docmessages Place of the translation files for the documentation.
- l10n-kf5/
/docs Place of the translated documentation.
- l10n-kf5/
/internal Place for internal files of the translation teams, e.g. for the compendium file. The files in such a directory will never be released.
- l10n-kf5/
/lokalize-scripts Place for Lokalize scripts and plugins of your team.
- l10n-kf5/
/terms.tbx Lokalize glossary of your team.
- l10n-kf5/
/scripts Place for Transcript scripts of your team.
- l10n-kf5/documentation
Place for the untranslated original English DocBook documentation files. The sub-directories of this directory are external references to the doc sub-directories of the corresponding modules.
- l10n-kf5/l10n-scripty
Place for internal script files of the l10n-kf5 module.
The script files should be cloned with git clone git@invent.kde.org:sysadmin/l10n-scripty.git