The following pages show the status of the translations. Normally, they are updated on a daily basis. Most of the underlying scripts are maintained by translators mailinglist. If you want to ask question about maintenance of l10n.kde.org, please refer to the corresponding appendix rather than sending it to Nicolas.
The status table of KDE GUI translations for the trunk branch gives an overview of how the language teams are doing. Translation status of documentation can be followed by the documentation translation page. Note that playground and extragear translation will not be released with KDE.
The status table for GUI translations of the stable shows which program GUIs are already translated and which are not in current stable version.
The so-called "Top 10 lists" (e.g. Top 10 for GUI in trunk) tell you the position of your team in highscore table (note that the better results there only show the number of translation and cannot be used as a criterion of their quality).
Tle lists of the partial translations (e.g. List of partial translations in trunk GUI) allow you to see which of your already translated GUI files are in need of a revision, untranslated files, and obsolete files that you have to remove from your language directory.