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KDE (as many other open source projects) uses mailing lists as main way of communication.
Many mailing lists of KDE are described on the mailing lists description page. Most KDE mailing lists are handled by the Mailman interface (Here too is a list with descriptions).
Look at the start of mailing lists description page if you would prefer reading a mailing list in another way than as emails to you.
Most KDE mailing lists are publicly archived in lists.kde.org, some are only archived in the Mailman interface; in that case they might be reserved to subscribers (therefore not public).
Most KDE mailing lists are either for "developers" or for "users" (seldom for both). This difference can be important if you want to follow closely an application in KDE. Often information about releases are only given in such developer mailing lists and not repeated in any other mailing list. This is especially true for freeze or release schedules.
Of course in KDE there are mailing lists that are more oriented for translators, general ones and also language-specific ones. (The language specific languages are listed only in the Mailman interface. Mostly they have the language code in their name.)