Statistics Help
Using the KDE message statistics application is straighforward at first glance. However, exploiting the full potential of the information requires additional information on reading the numbers and interpreting the colors in status tables.
Applications / Documentations
The KDE Localization process is separated into two main trees: Application and Documentation translations. Generally, translators consider that the most important process is the application translation, because it is the first thing the user sees when they launch a KDE program, and localization helps them to understand each elements of the application. However, the Documentation process is very important too, because it helps users to understand specific points of KDE programs in their own locale.
Generally, Applications are better translated than Documentation, because they are easier to translate. For example, Documentation contains big blocks of text which need several reading and translating iterations before considered as ready; while applications generally are made of little strings, easier to translate and verify. Unfortunately those two processes are important, so do not hesitate to help your KDE translation team: there are a lot of jobs left!
Stable / Trunk
The Application and Documentation files are available from the KDE Subversion Repository. Stable and Trunk represent the same files, but applied to different targets.
The stable branch reflects the current translation status of your language in the current version of KDE (or in the next maintenance release, for example: KDE 4.2.1). These pages help you to see if all files are ready to be distributed with the KDE packages, or in your favorite distribution. Look at these statistics when KDE is about to release a new version, because hopefully non-translated strings should not be present in your language.
The trunk branch, though, represents the status of the development version of KDE (example: KDE 4.3). It allows you to see if projects have modified a lot their localization files, and if you need to translate some of them. Look at these pages if you just want to see the current status of localization in KDE, or if you want to find a PO file which needs a lot of work to be fully translated.
Browsing between levels
The statistical pages are organized into four levels:
Browsing can be made in two ways: by team and by package. When it is made by team, then content is structured as top/branch/teamcode/package/. When it is made by package, then content is structured as top/branch/package/teamcode/.
What colors and numbers means
Application and Documentation Statistics
There are two categories where colors are used: on graphical bars, and on text from tables (as background and/or foreground).
Team | Translated | % | Fuzzy | % | Untranslated | % | Total | Graph |
kdeaddons | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ![]() |
The magenta bar (which is always full) mean that there is no package directory made for the translation team. This can be seen on the level 2 and 3 statistic pages. When you click on a package name, a level 4 page is shown which explains that there is no translation for the respective package.
Team | Translated | % | Fuzzy | % | Untranslated | % | Total | Graph |
kappfinder.po | 7 | 46.67 | 3 | 20.00 | 5 | 33.33 | 15 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The above bar can be seen on any of the page levels where statistics are available. The first item is the name of translation team, KDE package or PO/POT filename.
Team | Translated | % | Fuzzy | % | Untranslated | % | Total | Graph |
kfind.po | 73 | 100.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 73 | ![]() |
Observe the light blue background in the above bar: this happens when there is a PO file without a corresponding POT file. This indicates that you should delete the PO message catalog file from the SVN repository.
Team | Translated | % | Fuzzy | % | Untranslated | % | Total | Graph |
kpresenter.po | 7 | 46.67 | 3 | 20.00 | 5 | 33.33 | 15 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Documentation Statistics
The above bar can be seen on any of the page levels where statistics are available. The first item is the name of translation team, KDE package or PO/POT filename.
Team | Translated | % | Fuzzy | % | Untranslated | % | Total | Graph |
kfind.po | 73 | 100.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 73 | ![]() |
Observe the light blue background in the above bar: this happens when there is a PO file without a corresponding POT file. This indicates that you should delete the PO message catalog file from the SVN repository.
Team | Translated | % | Fuzzy | % | Untranslated | % | Total | Graph |
kpresenter.po | 7 | 46.67 | 3 | 20.00 | 5 | 33.33 | 15 | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When a PO file is not correct, then it is marked with red, and a red marker is shown on higher levels: the packages page, and the teams page.
Every status table (with graphic bars) has the following columns: PO/POT filename or KDE package name, translated messages, translated messages percentage, fuzzy messages, fuzzy messages percentage, untranslated messages, untranslated messages percentage, total number messages in PO file / KDE package and graphic bar. The percentage columns have a darker background color to be easily spotted.
Types of statistics
Level 2 pages show statistics for all translating teams:
- Info by team: list totals for translation teams.
- Info by package: list totals by KDE package.
- Full info page: a table which has teams as rows and KDE packages as columns; the percentages are hyperlinks.
- Top List: a table which show an ordered list with the first ten translating teams by number of translated messages; fuzzy and untranslated messages are not considered.
- Essential: a table similar with that "info by team", but which display only statistics for PO files and KDE packages that must be translated prior to a team be included in next KDE release; the completeness percentage levels that must be meet are on this page. The "completeness" column show if a team meets the distribution requirements (when the background is a deep green and the number is 100%.)
- Partial: list only files which have no translation (i.e. only POT files) and are partialy translated. Teams which have almost complete translations will then be able to focus only on these files.
- General Info: lots of general statistics are shown here. Some are useful just to know how big KDE is. Other ones can tell if something goes wrong not only with statistics, but even with the KDE SVN or team translations.
History Graphs
To view how much a team has worked on translating essential files and essential packages, every team has a statistics page (level 2 with sorting by team) with a bottom graph. That way, KDE release and internationalization coordinators can decide if a team's translations will be included in upcomming release, based on the team's activity.
Graphs can be view enlarged if you click on them. This may provide a more accurate view for calendar dates and number of translated messages.
Values on the Y-axis represent number of newly translated messages, counting from the previous day. Note that when messages from POT templates are merged with PO files, it is very likely that fuzzy entries will appear. This will reduce the number of translated messages and will show up in the next day's graphs as negative values.
On the "Essential" pages, a graph is displayed which summarizes the messages translated for all the teams, and for essential files and packages.